A Stong Nose Detected the Scent of Parkinson’s, Leading to an Experimental Therapy for the Illness
Download MP3In this episode of Optimal Health Weekly we discuss the latest advancements in Parkinsons disease. Parkinson's disease or "PD" is a progressive disease that affects the nervous system and the parts controlled by the nerves. Symptoms often start slowly. The first symptom may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are also common, but the disorder may also cause stiffness or slowing of movement
The mainstay surgical treatment for movement disorders like Parkinson's is deep brain stimulation, or DBS. This involves surgically implanting two leads into the brain, targeting specific basal ganglia structures. A neurostimulator, much like a cardiac pacemaker, is attached to these leads. New Research at UC San Diego is examining the disease. The scientists are studying handwriting movements, cognition, and the disease's causes, as well as conducting clinical trials of stem cell therapy for treating Parkinsons.
Patients with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease have gradually diminished motor function, increasing postural instability, and gait freezing. Fortunately, dopamine replacement therapy can treat these symptoms for years, allowing patients to lead almost normal lives. It is important to note that the prevalence of Parkinson's disease continues to rise, with one to two percent of individuals over the age of 65 infected.
The first signs of the disease are tremors and difficulty getting out of a chair. The symptoms also tend to decrease the amount of swinging of the arms and can be more noticeable on one side than the other. They may lose their facial expressions and animation, and they will have difficulty maintaining eye contact or speaking clearly.
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